Introduction to Proactive Detection

By using the Proactive Detection function, the system can proactively detect the potential risks in networks, services, and device resources, provide you with the complete detection report for viewing the network health status, and give you the warnings when errors or exceptions occurred. The Proactive Detection function contains:

Based on the monitored data, the system perform the real-time proactive detection, and then generate the detailed detection report. This report reports the potential risks in the system and the corresponding information. Besides, the system will evaluate the network health status and calculate the network health index based on the detection results. According to the network health index, there are three network health grades. When the index is lower than 30, the grade is Unhealthy; when the index is higher than 80, the grade is Healthy; when the index is between 30 and 80, the grade is Subhealthy. If you have configured warning rules and the detection results match the defined warning rules, the system will deal with warnings using the defined actions. The Proactive Detection function can not only help administrators find the potential risks in the network in time but also notify administrators of the vulnerabilities in time.

Currently, you can only enable the Proactive Detection function on the Layer 3 interfaces. To enable this function on the Layer 2 interfaces, you must add the Layer 2 interfaces to a VSwitch and enable the Proactive function on the VSwitch interface. The system does not support the Proactive Detection function on the logical interfaces.

Network Health Index

The system evaluates the health status of the proactive detected items and then calculate the network health index based on the detection results. Proactive detected items are the ones that are monitored by the system, including the monitored items of device resources and service/network node. For detailed information on configuring the monitored items, see Device Monitor and Service/Network Node Monitor.

By default, the network health index is calculated based on all proactive detected items. If required, you can choose your desired proactive detected items for calculation. Click the Score Item Configuration button on the top-right corner in the Proactive Detection page, the Score Item Configuration dialog pops up. For each detected item, select its checkbox in the Score column to choose this detected item for calculation. The unselected items will be also detected when performing the proactive detection, but they will be not considered when calculating the network health index.