Warning Rule Configuration

Warning > Warning Rule

When events that matches the warning rules happen, the firewall can monitor the events and generate the related warning information.

There are four types of warning rules: device warning rule, application warning rule, proactive detection warning rule, and service&network warning rule. Both the search function and the configuration method of each type are almost the same. The following guideline of searching and configuring is based on the example of the All tab.

In the warning rule page, you can perform the following actions:

Options in the Warning Rule Configuration dialog:

Option Description

Rule Name

Specify the rule name. You can input 31 characters at most.


Specify the description of the warning rule. You can input 255 characters at most.


Specify the schedule of the warning rule from the drop-down list. The warning rule will take effect during the specified period of time, which is decided by the schedule. You can also click New Schedule in the drop-down list to create a new schedule.


Specify the trigger of the warning, including the monitored object and the threshold.

Select the monitored objects from the drop-down menu and then select the threshold. Generally, there are two types of thresholds: the threshold within a period, and the threshold at a specific point of time. Administrators can use both of them or one of them. If administrators use both of them, the logical relation between them is OR, which means the system will generate the warning information when one threshold meets the settings.


  • If the monitored object is New Sessions, Concurrent Sessions, or Interface Bandwidth, the threshold is percentage.
  • If the monitored object is Proactive Detection, see Introduction to Proactive Detection.


Specify the severity of the warning.

Warning Mode

Specify the generation method and the sending method.

  • Generate Warning Information: This is the default option that cannot be unselected. When warning events happens, the system record the warning information. All warning information can be viewed in the Warning page.
  • Send via Email: Select the checkbox and then specify the recipient or create a new recipient from the Recipient drop-down menu. The system will report the warning events to the recipient by sending a warning email. To create or edit a recipient, click Configure Recipient at the top right corner of the warning rule page.
  • Send via SMS: Select the checkbox and then specify the recipient or create a new recipient from the Recipient drop-down menu. The system will report the warning events to the recipient by sending a warning message. To create or edit a recipient, click Configure Recipient at the top right corner of the warning rule page.