Configuring a Host Check Profile

This section describes how to configure a host check profile.

Creating a Host Check Profile

To create a host check profile, take the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Network > SSL VPN to visit the SSL VPN page.
  2. On the Task tab in the right auxiliary pane, click Host Check to visit the Host Check page.
  3. Click New.
  4. On the Basic tab in the Host Checking Configuration dialog, configure the basic information of the rule.
    Option Description
    Name Specifies the name of the host check profile.
    OS version

    Specifies whether to check the OS version on the client host. Click one of the following options:

    • No check: Do not check the OS version.
    • Must match: The OS version running on the client host must be the same as the version specified here. Select the OS version and service pack version from the drop-down lists respectively.
    • At least: The OS version running on the client host should not be lower than the version specified here. Select the OS version and service pack version from the drop-down lists respectively.
    Patch X Specifies the patch that must be installed on the client host. Type the patch name into the box. Up to 5 patches can be specified.
    Lowest IE version Specifies the lowest IE version in the Internet zone on the client host. The IE version running on the client host should not be lower than the version specified here.
    Lowest IE security level Specifies the lowest IE security level on the client host. The IE security level on the host should not be lower than the level specified here.
  5. On the Advanced tab, configure the advanced options of the host check profile.
    Option Description
    Security center Checks whether the security center is enabled on the client host.
    Auto update Checks whether the Windows auto update function is enabled.
    Anti-Virus software Installed: The client host must have the AV software installed.
    Monitor: The client host must enable the real-time monitor of the AV software.
    Virus signature DB update: The client host must enable the signature database online update function.
    Anti-Spyware software Installed: The client host must have the anti-spyware installed.
    Monitor: The client host must enable the real-time monitor of the anti-spyware.
    Signature DB update: The client host must enable the signature database online update function.
    Firewall Installed: The client host must have the personal firewall installed.
    Monitor: The client host must enable the real-time monitor function of the personal firewall.
    Registry key value

    Key X: Checks whether the key value exists. Up to 5 key values can be configured. The check types are:

    • No check: Do not check the key value.
    • Exist: The client host must have the key value. Type the value into the box.
    • No exist: The client cannot have the key value. Type the value into the box.
    File path name

    File X: Checks whether the file exists. Up to 5 files can be configured. The check types are:

    • No check: Do not check the file.
    • Exist: The client host must have the file. Type the file name into the box.
    • No check: The client cannot have the file. Type the file name into the box.
    Running process name

    Process X: Checks whether the process is running. Up to 5 processes can be configured. The check types are:

    • No check: Do not check the process.
    • Exist: The client host must have the process running. Type the process name into the box.
    • No exist: The client cannot have the process running. Type the process name into the box.
    Installed service name

    Service X: Checks whether the service is installed. Up to 5 services can be configured. The check types are:

    • No check: Do not check the service.
    • Exist: The client host must have the service installed. Type the service name into the box.
    • No exist: The client host cannot have the service installed. Type the service name into the box.
    Running service name

    Service X: Checks whether the service is running. Up to 5 services can be configured. The check types are:

    • No check: Do not check the service.
    • Exist: The client host must have the service running. Type the service name into the box.
    • No exist: The client host cannot have the service running. Type the service name into the box.
  6. Click OK to save the settings.

Editing a Host Check Profile

To edit a host check profile, take the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Network > SSL VPN to visit the SSL VPN page.
  2. On the Task tab in the right auxiliary pane, click Host Check to visit the Host Check page.
  3. Select the rule you want to edit from the list and click Edit.
  4. In the Host Checking Configuration dialog, modify according to your need.

Deleting a Host Check Profile

To delete a host check profile, take the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Network > SSL VPN to visit the SSL VPN page.
  2. On the Task tab in the right auxiliary pane, click Host Check to visit the Host Check page.
  3. Select the rule you want to delete from the list and click Delete.

Referencing a Host Check Profile to a Host Check Rule

To make the configured host check profile take effect, you must bind the profiles to the host check rules. And then the host check function will work in the system. For more information about binding the host check profile, see Configuring SCVPN.