Configuring a Service Book

Policy > Object > Service Book

Service is information stream designed with protocol standards. Service has some specific distinguishing features, like corresponding protocol, port number, etc. For example, the FTP service uses TCP protocol, and its port number is 21. Service is an essential element for the configuration of multiple system modules including policy rules, NAT rules, QoS rules, etc.

The system provides you with multiple predefined services. Besides, you can also customize user-defined services if needed. You can add multiple services to a service group, which can be used in other modules such as policy rules, NAT rules, and QoS rules.

In the Service tab, you can perform the following actions:

Options in the Service Configuration dialog:

Option Description


Type the name for the user-defined service into the textbox.

Rule Description

Specify a protocol type for the user-defined service. The available options include TCP, UDP, ICMP and Others.

  • TCP: Specifies the minimum port number of the specified service entry for both the destination port and source port.

  • UDP: Specifies the minimum port number of the specified service entry for both the destination port and source port.

  • ICMP: Specified a ICMP type for the service entry. The available options include 3 (Destination-Unreachable), 4 (Source Quench), 5 (Redirect), 8 (Echo), 11 (Time Exceeded), 12 (Parameter Problem), 13 (Timestamp) and 15 (Information). Specifies a minimum value for ICMP code. The value range is 0 to 5. Specifies a maximum value for ICMP code. The value range is 0 to 5.

  • Others: Specifies a protocol number for the service entry. The value range is 1 to 255.

Service Description

If needed, type the description for the service into the textbox.

Tip: With the Service tab active, select a service. You can view the service information at the bottom-left corner and all objects that reference this service at the bottom-right corner.

In the Service Group page, you can perform the following actions:

Options in the Service Group Configuration:

Option Description


Type the name for the user-defined service group into the textbox.


If needed, type the description for the service into the textbox.


Add services or service groups to the service group. The system supports at most 8-layer nested service group.

Expand Pre-defined Service Group or User-defined Service Group from the left pane, select services or service groups, and then click Add to add them to the right pane. To remove a selected service, select it from the right pane, and then click Remove.