Configuring an Address Book

Policy > Object > Address Book

Address book is the database in the system that is used to store the mappings between IP ranges and the corresponding names. The mapping entry between an IP address and its name in the address book is known as an address entry. All address books contain a default address entry named Any. The IP address of Any is, i.e., any IP address. 

In the Address Book page, you can perform the following actions:

Options in the Address Configuration dialog:

Option Description


Type the address entry name into the textbox.


Select an address entry member from the drop-down list, and then configure the IP/netmask, IP range, hostname, or address entry as needed.


Type the description for the address entry into the textbox.

Tip: To view the detailed information of the selected address entry, select it and then view the information at the bottom-left corner. You can view all related objects at the bottom-right corner, including the address entries, policy rules, SNAT rules, DNAT rules, and session limit rules.