ARP Binding

Policy > ARP Defense> IP-MAC Binding

By enabling the IP-MAC, MAC-Port or IP-MAC-Port binding, Hillstone devices protect against ARP spoofing or MAC address list attacks.

You can perform the following actions in IP-MAC Binding page:

Options in the IP-MAC Binding Configuration dialog:

Option Description


Specify a MAC address to be bound.


Select the Enable checkbox to enable the port binding and then enter an IP address to be bound in the textbox.


Select the Enable checkbox to enable the port binding and then select a port from the drop-down list.


If the port binding is enabled, select a VLAN ID from the drop-down list.

Virtual Router

Select the virtual router of the static IP-MAC binding entry from the drop-down list. By default, the static IP-MAC binding entry belongs to the default virtual router, i.e. trust-vr.


Type the description for the IP-MAC binding entry.

Authenticated ARP

Select the Enable checkbox to enable the authenticated ARP function.

Options in the Binding Configuration drop-down menu:

Option Description


Specify the scan range of the IP addresses by entering the start IP and the end IP. Click OK to scan the specified IP address range. The binding list displays the scan results.

Bind All

Select the binding information type to bind all specified types of entries.

Unbind All

Select the unbinding information type to unbind all specified types of entries.

Options in the Others drop-down menu:

Option Description

Click Browse to select an IP-MAC binding file (UTF-8 encoding) and then click OK.


Select a binding information type and then click OK.

ARP/MAC Learning

Select the desired interfaces and then click the Enable/Disable checkbox to enable/disable the ARP/MAC learning function.