Configuring Role QoS

This section describes how to configure a role QoS rule. By configuring a role QoS rule, you can specify a max bandwidth or reserved bandwidth available to each user or shared by all the users corresponding to the role.

Creating a Role QoS Rule

To create a role QoS rule, take the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Content > QoS to visit the QoS Configuration page.
  2. On the IP QoS tab, click Switch to Role QoS.
  3. In the role QoS page, click New on the upper-left of the role QoS rule list.
  4. On the Basic tab in the Role QoS dialog, configure basic options for the role QoS rule.
    The options are described as below:
    Type Description
    Rule name Specifies a name for the rule.
    Apply to

    Specifies a QoS object which can be an interface or security zone.

    • Interface: Specifies an interface the rule will be applied to.
    • Zone: Specifies a security zone the rule will be applied to.

    Specifies a role/user/user group for the rule.

    • Role: Select a role from the drop-down list.
    • User: Select a user from the drop-down list.
    • User group: Select a user group from the drop-down list.
    Add: Click Add to add multiple roles/users/user groups.
    Delete: Click Delete to delete the selected role/user/user group.
    Output BW

    Specifies a control policy for the output bandwidth. Select Per user or Share from the drop-down list, and then type bandwidth values into the boxes behind. To specify a schedule during which the bandwidth restriction will take effect, select a schedule from the Schedule drop-down list.

    • Per user: Specifies the bandwidth to the the max bandwidth or reserved bandwidth available to each user corresponding to the role/user/user group.
    • Share: Specifies the bandwidth to the the max bandwidth or reserved bandwidth shared by all the users corresponding to the role/user/user group.
    • Max BW: Specifies a max bandwidth. The value range is 32 to 1000000 Kpbs.
    • Reserved BW: Specifies a reserved bandwidth. The value range is 32 to 1000000 Kpbs. This value must be smaller than the actual bandwidth value of the interface.
    • Schedule: Specifies a schedule during which the bandwidth restriction will take effect.
    Add: Click Add to add the bandwidth restriction.
    Delete: Click Delete to delete the bandwidth restriction.
    Input BW

    Specifies a control policy for the input bandwidth. Select Per user or Share from the drop-down list, and then type bandwidth values into the boxes behind. To specify a schedule during which the bandwidth restriction will take effect, select a schedule from the Schedule drop-down list.

    • Per user: Specifies the bandwidth to the the max bandwidth or reserved bandwidth available to each user corresponding to the role/user/user group.
    • Share: Specifies the bandwidth to the the max bandwidth or reserved bandwidth shared by all the users corresponding to the role/user/user group.
    • Max BW: Specifies a max bandwidth. The value range is 32 to 1000000 Kpbs.
    • Reserved BW: Specifies a reserved bandwidth. The value range is 32 to 1000000 Kpbs. This value must be smaller than the actual bandwidth value of the interface.
    • Schedule: Specifies a schedule during which the bandwidth restriction will take effect.
    Add: Click Add to add the bandwidth restriction.
    Delete: Click Delete to delete the bandwidth restriction.
  5. On the Advanced tab, configure the options as below:
    FlexQoS: Configure this function for the input and output bandwidth.
    Enable - Select this check box to enable FlexQoS.
    Max BW - If FlexQoS is enabled, this options is used to specify the max flex bandwidth, i.e., the upper threshold of the increased bandwidth. The value range is 64 to 1000000 Kbps. The default value is 100 times of the specified bandwidth.
    Fine-grained control: Nest an application QoS rule for the role QoS rule. System will allocate different application bandwidth for different roles based on the specified application QoS rule, thus realizing a fine-grained role QoS control. You can configure this function for input or output bandwidth. Click Nest Application QoS Rule, and in the Nest Application QoS dialog, configure options. The available options are the same with those of application QoS configuration. To edit/delete a nest application QoS rule, click edit or del under Operation.
  6. Click OK to save your settings.

Tip: To switch to IP QoS mode, click Switch to IP QoS.

Editing a Role QoS Rule

To edit a role QoS rule, take the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Content > QoS to visit the QoS Configuration page.
  2. On the IP QoS tab, click Switch to Role QoS.
  3. In the role QoS page, select the role QoS rule you want to edit, and click Edit. In the Role QoS dialog, modify according to your need.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.

Deleting a Role QoS Rule

To delete a role QoS rule, take the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Content > QoS to visit the QoS Configuration page.
  2. On the IP QoS tab, click Switch to Role QoS.
  3. In the role QoS page, select the role QoS rule you want to delete, and click Delete.

Enabling/Disabling a Role QoS Rule

To enable/disable a role QoS rule, take the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Content > QoS to visit the QoS Configuration page.
  2. On the IP QoS tab, click Switch to Role QoS.
  3. In the role QoS page, select the role QoS rule you want to enable/disable, and click Enable/Disable.

Viewing a Role QoS Rule

To view a role QoS rule, take the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Content > QoS to visit the QoS Configuration page.
  2. On the IP QoS tab, click Switch to Role QoS.
  3. In the role QoS page, select Interface, Zone or ALL from the Apply to drop-down list.

All the configured QoS rules for the selected interface/zone or all the interfaces/zones are listed in the role QoS list.

Adjusting Priority

For the QoS rules that are bound to the same interface or security zone, system will match the rules displayed in the QoS rule list in a descending order, i.e., the upper the rule is, the higher its priority is.

To adjust a QoS rule's position, take the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Content > QoS to visit the QoS Configuration page.
  2. On the IP QoS tab, click Switch to Role QoS.
  3. In the role QoS page, click Priority on the upper-right of the role QoS rule list.
  4. In the Adjust Priority dialog, select a role QoS rule and click Up, Down, Top or Bottom to move the rule.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.

Configuring an IP Address Whitelist

QoS supports IP address whitelist. With whitelist configured, system will not set any QoS restriction on the specified traffic.

To configure an IP address whitelist, take the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Content > QoS to visit the QoS Configuration page.
  2. On the IP QoS tab, click Switch to Role QoS.
  3. In the role QoS page, select an IP range or address entry that is not restricted by the QoS rule from the Whitelist drop-down list:
    IP range - Type the start IP and end IP into the boxes.
    Address entry - Select an address entry from the drop-down list.
  4. Click OK to save your settings.

Specifying a Schedule

To specify a schedule during which the role QoS rule will take effect, take the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Content > QoS to visit the QoS Configuration page.
  2. On the IP QoS tab, click Switch to Role QoS.
  3. In the role QoS page, select a schedule from the Schedule drop-down list, and click Add.
  4. Click OK to save your settings.