QoS Configuration Example --- IP QoS
This section describes an IP QoS configuration example. The requirement is: The max bandwidth available to each IP within the IP range of to is 2M, and max bandwidth shared by all the IPs between to is 10M. The device is connected to Internet on ethernet0/0.
Take the following steps:
- On the Navigation pane, click Configure > Content > QoS to visit the QoS Configuration page.
- On the IP QoS tab, click New on the upper-left of the IP QoS rule list. In the IP QoS dialog, configure the options as below:
- Rule name: exam_ipqos1
- Apply to: Select Interface, ethernet0/0 from the drop-down list in turn
- IP: Select IP range from the drop-down list, and type and into the boxes behind
- Output BW: Select Per IP from the drop-down list, and type 2000 into the Max BW box
- Input BW:Select Per IP from the drop-down list, and type 2000 into the Max BW box
- Click OK to save your settings and return to the QoS page. The rule exam_ipqos1 is displayed in the QoS rule list.
- Click New on the upper-left of the IP QoS rule list. In the IP QoS dialog, configure the options as below:
- Rule name: exam_ipqos2
- Apply to: Select Interface, ethernet0/0 from the drop-down list in turn
- IP: Select IP range from the drop-down list, and type and into the boxes behind
- Output BW: Select Share from the drop-down list, and type 10000 into the Max BW box
- Input BW: Select Share from the drop-down list, and type 10000 into the Max BW box
- Click OK to save your settings and return to the QoS page. The rule exam_ipqos2 is displayed in the QoS rule list. The following shows the configuration result: