IPS Signature Database Update

Name ips.sig
Version 3.0.234
StoneOS Firewall 5.5R8P2 or above, and NIPS/IDS 5.5R5-3.5 or above, and BDS 5.5R8-3.3 or above
Release Date 2024-11-25
New Signature
Rule ID Rule Name StoneOS Detail
338552 Landray EKP hrStaffWebService Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338553 Kingdee EAS appUtil.jsp Remote Command Execution Vulnerability 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338531 Suspicious Authentication Bypass Detection 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338550 Hjsoft eHR uploadLogo Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338560 WordPress Debug Tool Plugin Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability (CVE-2024-10586) 5.5R5 or above click for more information
338551 HANDLINK-ISS-7000v2 Gateway login_handler.cgi Unauthorized RCE Vulnerability 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338548 Quanchengyun OA QCPES.asmx SQL Injection Vulnerability 5.5R5 or above click for more information
338558 Ngnix UI Arbitrary Command Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2024-49368) 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338549 Vesystem Cloud Desktop System newserver Remote Command Execution Vulnerability 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338559 WordPress Ajar in5 Embed Plugin Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability (CVE-2024-50473) 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338546 Weaver e-Mobile Management Platform Remote Command Execution Vulnerability 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338556 Changedetection Path Travesal Vulnerability (CVE-2024-51483) 5.5R5 or above click for more information
338547 Kingdee Apusic Application Serve Unauthorized Directory Traversal Vulnerability 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338557 D-Link DNS-320 Command Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2024-10914) 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338554 H3C-CVM fd Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability 5.5R5 or above click for more information
338485 Cobalt Strike Shellcode Download (x64) Detection 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338555 Esafenet CDG DelHookService SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2024-10660) 5.0R4 or above click for more information
Updated Signature
Rule ID Rule Name StoneOS Detail
No update.