IPS Signature Database Update

Name ips.sig
Version 2.1.592
StoneOS StoneOS 5.0R4F3.1 or above
Release Date 2025-01-20
New Signature
Rule ID Rule Name StonesOS Detail
105379 Ransomware Activity: TeslaCrypt/AlphaCrypt Payment DNS Lookup 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105561 Ransomware Activity: DNS Query to Cerber Domain 5.5R5 or above click for more information
714758 Trojan Activity: ATTACK_RESPONSE LaZagne Artifact Outbound in FTP 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105550 Trojan Activity: Magecart CnC Domain Observed in DNS Query 5.5R5 or above click for more information
338653 KESION EDU CheckOrder API SQL Injection Vulnerability 5.0R4 or above click for more information
105374 Trojan Activity: FatDuke Domain Observed 5.5R5 or above click for more information
332571 Ransomware Activity: Quant Loader Download Response 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105506 Ransomware Activity: ABUSE.CH Locky C2 Domain 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105559 Trojan Activity: W32.Razy Inject Domain in DNS Lookup 5.5R5 or above click for more information
332736 Trojan Activity: Observed Magecart CnC Domain in TLS SNI 5.0R4 or above click for more information
105540 Ransomware Activity: DNS Query to Cerber Domain 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105545 Ransomware Activity: DNS Query to Cerber Domain 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105501 Ransomware Activity: Possible WannaCry DNS Lookup 3 5.5R5 or above click for more information
338648 SecFox authService API FastJson Deserialization Vulnerability 5.0R4 or above click for more information
105528 Ransomware Activity: DNS Query to Cerber Domain 5.5R5 or above click for more information
332729 Trojan Activity: Malicious SSL Cert (Magecart) 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105369 Trojan Activity: PolyglotDuke Domain Observed 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105554 Trojan Activity: MOBILE_MALWARE Trojan-Banker.AndroidOS.Anubis.d 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105543 Trojan Activity: PS/PowerRatankba CnC DNS Lookup 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105496 Ransomware Activity: ABUSE.CH Ransomware Domain Detected (Locky Payment) 5.5R5 or above click for more information
Updated Signature
Rule ID Rule Name StonesOS Detail
1005157 ICMP Tunnel Detection - icmptunnel 5.5R5 or above Click here for more information
338453 Topsec TopSAG synRequest Remote Command Execution Vulnerability 5.5R8 or above Click here for more information