IPS Signature Database Update

Name ips.sig
Version 2.1.586
StoneOS StoneOS 5.0R4F3.1 or above
Release Date 2024-12-09
New Signature
Rule ID Rule Name StonesOS Detail
338584 Yonyou U8-CRM System getufvouchdata.php SQL Injection Vulnerability 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105464 Ransomware Activity: DNS Query to Cerber Domain 5.5R5 or above click for more information
332675 Trojan Activity: PowerShell Base64 Encoded Content Command Common In Powershell Stagers M1 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105484 Ransomware Activity: Win32/Teslacrypt Ransomware .onion domain 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105463 Ransomware Activity: DNS Query to Cerber Domain 5.5R5 or above click for more information
1908981 Ransomware Activity: Locky Ransomware Writing Instructions via SMB 5.5R5 or above click for more information
332701 Ransomware Activity: Shifr/Shurl0cker Ransomware Onion Domain in SNI (u4hp32ms2u6s4x7q) 5.5R5 or above click for more information
338580 Yonyou U8-CRM System ajaxgetborrowdata.php getCusInfo SQL Injection Vulnerability 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105490 Ransomware Activity: Win32/Teslacrypt Ransomware .onion domain 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105480 Ransomware Activity: Ransomware/Cerber Onion Domain Lookup 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105459 Trojan Activity: APT DarkHydrus DNS Lookup 18 5.5R5 or above click for more information
338576 Pandora FMS Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2024-11320) 5.5R5 or above click for more information
332693 Trojan Activity: Observed Buran Ransomware UA 5.0R4 or above click for more information
338587 Guanjiapo Online Mall UploadImgNoCheck Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability 5.0R4 or above click for more information
105471 Ransomware Activity: Cerber Domain Observed 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105493 Ransomware Activity: TeslaCrypt/AlphaCrypt Variant .onion Proxy Domain 5.5R5 or above click for more information
332674 Trojan Activity: Possible Darkhotel Higasia Downloader Checkin 5.0R4 or above click for more information
105475 Ransomware Activity: Cerber Domain Observed 5.5R5 or above click for more information
105462 Ransomware Activity: DNS Query to Cerber Domain 5.5R5 or above click for more information
338573 D-Link-NAS sc_mgr.cgi Remote Code Execution Vulnerability 5.5R5 or above click for more information
Updated Signature
Rule ID Rule Name StonesOS Detail
338199 Sensitive File /etc/passwd Access Detection 5.0R4 or above Click here for more information