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Oct 3, 2024

Boost Your Network Security with New NIPS Models


In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, protecting your network from increasingly sophisticated attacks is a constant challenge. Small and medium businesses (SMBs) are often caught in a difficult position, needing to balance robust security with manageable costs and performance. Hillstone Networks is addressing this challenge head-on with the release of three new hardware models in their Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS) product line: the S1115, S1215, and S2115. These models offer a powerful combination of high throughput, scalability, and advanced threat detection, while also supporting seamless integration with the Hillstone iSource XDR platform for enhanced threat analysis.

High-density Interfaces for Enhanced Performance

Network security solutions can often become a bottleneck, impacting performance, slowing down critical applications, and hindering the ability to scale as a business grows. This is particularly challenging for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with limited space and budget constraints. Hillstone’s new NIPS models address this challenge through their high-density interfaces. The compact 1RU design incorporates up to 8 SFP and 8 GE interfaces, including two bypass pairs, offering a highly efficient solution. This high-density configuration delivers exceptional performance and cost-effectiveness, enabling organizations to achieve comprehensive perimeter protection without sacrificing valuable rack space or resources.

Flexible Expansion Slot for Additional I/O Modules

For businesses experiencing rapid growth or unpredictable network traffic demands, scalability is a critical factor. Traditional security solutions might struggle to keep up, leaving the network vulnerable to attacks and performance issues. Hillstone’s new NIPS models address this challenge with their flexible expansion slot, enabling organizations to scale their security infrastructure as their business grows. This innovative feature accommodates three new expansion modules: IOC-S-F-8GE-B-A, IOC-S-F-4SFP+-A, and IOC-S-F-8SFP+-A, each providing up to 8 additional SFP+ ports. This modular scalability allows organizations to easily adapt their NIPS deployment to meet evolving network demands, ensuring a resilient and adaptable security infrastructure.

Seamless Threat Data Integration with iSource

Imagine struggling to get a complete picture of the threats facing the network, making it difficult to prioritize security efforts and develop effective mitigation strategies. This is the challenge many organizations face, as their security tools often operate in silos, lacking a unified view of threats. Hillstone’s new NIPS models address this challenge by seamlessly integrating with Hillstone iSource XDR solution, transforming NIPS into a powerful source of threat data. By providing comprehensive threat event data and Pcap packets, NIPS significantly enriches the data pool for iSource, enabling more accurate and sophisticated threat analysis. This enhanced intelligence empowers iSource to develop more precise and proactive threat detection and mitigation strategies, ultimately giving security teams a deeper understanding of attack patterns and allowing them to make informed decisions, strengthen their security posture, and proactively defend against evolving threats.