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Jun 19, 2024

What Are the Benefits of SD-WANs From a Security Standpoint?


Wide area networks (WANs) bring a lot to the table in terms of tying together multiple network locations and a variety of communications protocols. But they have their security concerns. In our view, the SD-WAN is a better option. SD-WANs offer a number of cybersecurity advantages.

Hillstone Networks may be able to help make your network more secure through strategic SD-WAN deployment. We invite you to contact us to learn more about our services. In the meantime, let us talk about the benefits of SD-WANs from a security standpoint.

What SD-WANs Actually Are

An SD-WAN is a software-defined wide area network capable of bringing together intelligently connected locations including data centers and branch offices. Even different cloud resources can be brought to bear over an SD-WAN. It is all done in a secure manner.

Virtualization is key to making the SD-WAN work. Virtual environments offer centralized control through software-defined networking. Through this centralized control, all traffic can be dynamically routed across multiple WAN environments. Control is managed through network conditions, application policies, and service rules.

How the SD-WAN Improves Security

Hillstone Networks is all about optimized security. We are fans of the SD-WAN concept because it makes our job as cybersecurity experts easier. For example, a typical SD-WAN relies on encrypted tunnels to transmit data securely over WAN links. End-to-end encryption protects data along its entire journey.

Additional SD-WAN security benefits include:

  • Network Segmentation – SD-WANs are perfectly suited for both network segmentation and micro-segmentation. Segmenting environments opens the door to isolating traffic on a per-policy basis. This is one of the best ways to limit lateral movement and reduce the attack surface.
  • Central Management – Maintaining and enforcing security policies is made easier in the SD-WAN through a centralized control environment. A single console can manage it all.
  • Service Integration – SD-WANs tend to integrate nicely with existing security services. Secure gateways, firewalls, and intrusion prevention systems can all be integrated with a state-of-the-art SD-WAN solution.
  • Zone Security – Creating secure zones improves the ability to route traffic based on a variety of conditions, including risk level and access policies. In an SD-WAN environment, zone security is pretty much a given.
  • Attack Surface – A properly implemented SD-WAN can take advantage of 4G/5G links to reduce reliance on other types of routes. Doing so reduces the attack surface considerably.

All these benefits are further enhanced through continual monitoring in real time. Software constantly scans network environments and application performance. When potential issues are identified, rapid detection and response protocols kick in. In this way, cyber threats are minimized.

Other Things to Consider

Although this post primarily deals with the security benefits that come with SD-WANs, there are other things to consider. For example, the ability to intelligently route traffic gives the SD-WAN an edge in terms of application performance. Simply put, SD-WAN works better.

SD-WAN solutions are also known to:

  • Increase network reliability.
  • Simplify network management and control.
  • Contain costs by reducing dependence on more expensive options.
  • Offer significant agility and fast scaling.

To make it all work, you need four things: an SD-WAN edge, gateway, controller, and orchestrator. All four components work together to unify multiple environments over a much larger network.

There is a lot more we could discuss about the SD-WAN concept. For now, it is enough to know that the Hillstone Networks team has the knowledge and experience necessary to implement a robust SD-WAN solution. Please reach out to our team to learn more about how an SD-WAN could make your network more secure. It could be the most important decision your organization makes.